What do you think of Mark Zuckerberg?

通过 Robert Ransdell 在里面 20/06/2022 | 17:11
Robert Ransdell

Robert Ransdell

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I'll start this discussion by saying I think the way he got his start was kinda sleazy...he made a website comparing the looks of his college classmates. That site was the precursor to his most famous creation: Facebook.

20/06/2022 | 17:11
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Morgan Sullivan

Morgan Sullivan

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Didn't he call his early users dumb? :o I don't really think about him...I find FB very boring and hard to navigate, but I can't persuade family members to quit it...

Did you know, he is being sued by a cryptocurrency developer called Internet Computer...they say he stole their logo for Meta! 

21/06/2022 | 12:44
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Jade Harrison

Jade Harrison

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he looked after the 3,000 or so startup employees who built Facebook from nothing. When the company went public those employees share options pool was worth a combined $23billion

21/06/2022 | 12:45
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